This is a picture of a right sided inguinal or groin hernia.
Inguinal hernias are very common. They can occur since birth or due to heavy lifting or exercise.
Hernias occur in men and women.
An uncomfortable bulge is the most common presentation.
Inguinal hernias do not go away, they will stay the same size or get larger.
Inguinal hernias occur on the right, left, or both sides at the same time.
Surgery is the best option for inguinal hernias and knowledge of each technique allows the Chicago Hernia Institute to fit the best hernia repair for you.
Open hernia repair used to be perform by pulling the muscle together. This was very uncomfortable and had a high recurrence rate.
Now mesh is used to re-inforce the muscle and cover the hernia defect.
Post operative pain is much less as is the recurrence rate (about 2%).
Surgery is done under a light anesthetic and you go home the same day.
Walking around, up and down stairs, and light activity is ok. Regular activity in 2-3 weeks.
Laparoscopic hernia repair is performed commonly. A mesh is also used to repair the defect and re-inforce the muscle.
Laparoscopic surgery needs a general anesthetic, but going back to work is sometimes faster.
Pain after surgery is slightly less but the chance of chronic nerve irritation is higher than with open surgery.
You, your hernia, and your activity level will help guide you to the correct hernia repair for you.